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Fabriqué à partir d'images de mon herbier, ce livret artisanal de 16 pages rend hommage à mon amour pour les plantes. Pour moi, jardiner, c'est participer à la beauté du monde...


Made with images from my herbarium, this handcrafted 16-page booklet pays tribute to my love of plants. For me, gardening means participating in the beauty of the world...




livret de poésie - Je rêve d'un jardin // handcrafted poetry booklet


    I would like to acknowledge that I live and work on
    the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of Sinixt Peoples.

    I make this acknowledgment to show my respect for the tmxʷula?xʷ (homeland), and Sinixt Nation. I feel privileged and grateful to be here, and I invite those reading this to explore their own relationship to place.

    she / her / hers
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